This is a photo from the 2015 SO BE FREE foray. I just realized that I hadn't downloaded the photos from my camera. A post with the highlights from that awesome foray will be coming soon!
The Twenty-First Annual
Spring Outing
Botanical Excursion
Foray, Retreat, and Escape to the Environment
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO BE FREE 21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brought to you by the new Bryophyte Chapter of the California Native Plant Society!
Friday to Monday, March 18-21, 2016
North Coast Range near Occidental, California
Coordinators: Stephen Rae, David Hutton, Kiamara Ludwig
Founded in 1996, SO BE FREE is a series of West Coast forays started by the Bryolab at UC Berkeley, but open to all botanists. The main focus is on bryophytes, but we also encourage experts on other groups to come along and smell the liverworts. We welcome specialists and generalists, professionals and amateurs, master bryologists and rank beginners. SO BE FREE is held each spring, somewhere in the Western US, associated with spring break at universities. Evening slide shows and informal talks are presented as well as keying sessions with microscopes. In addition to seeing interesting wild areas and learning new plants, important goals for SO BE FREE include keeping West Coast bryologists (and friends) in touch with each other and teaching beginners. To see pictures and information from past outings, visit the SO BE FREE website at: http://ucjeps.berkeley. edu/bryolab/Field_Trips.html
One important function of this year's SO BE FREE will be to serve as the first annual meeting of the brand new Bryophyte Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, which was just founded May 30th, 2015. See: http://bryophyte. for details, and to join!
The 2016 SO BE FREE will be held in the North Coast Range approximately 1.5 hour north of San Francisco. Although adjacent Marin County has been the subject of a moss flora, and the Lake County Moss Flora by David Toren will soon be released, Sonoma County has not yet been treated floristically. The county has marine sandstone deposits, volcanics, serpentine, and riparian habitats, supporting a wide range of bryophytes. Participants will see coastal prairie, coast redwood forest, live oak woodland, serpentine chaparral, and chaparral scrub.
Beginners are very welcome to SO BE FREE, and this year we will have a special, expanded workshop session for beginners on Friday afternoon at the start of the event. That session will include slide shows and discussions on bryophyte biology and natural history, and be augmented by mosses and liverworts on display (and under the microscope). Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning we will have field trips to satisfy all participants from neophyte to expert!
Botanical Excursion
Foray, Retreat, and Escape to the Environment
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO BE FREE 21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brought to you by the new Bryophyte Chapter of the California Native Plant Society!
Friday to Monday, March 18-21, 2016
North Coast Range near Occidental, California
Coordinators: Stephen Rae, David Hutton, Kiamara Ludwig
Founded in 1996, SO BE FREE is a series of West Coast forays started by the Bryolab at UC Berkeley, but open to all botanists. The main focus is on bryophytes, but we also encourage experts on other groups to come along and smell the liverworts. We welcome specialists and generalists, professionals and amateurs, master bryologists and rank beginners. SO BE FREE is held each spring, somewhere in the Western US, associated with spring break at universities. Evening slide shows and informal talks are presented as well as keying sessions with microscopes. In addition to seeing interesting wild areas and learning new plants, important goals for SO BE FREE include keeping West Coast bryologists (and friends) in touch with each other and teaching beginners. To see pictures and information from past outings, visit the SO BE FREE website at: http://ucjeps.berkeley.
One important function of this year's SO BE FREE will be to serve as the first annual meeting of the brand new Bryophyte Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, which was just founded May 30th, 2015. See: http://bryophyte.
The 2016 SO BE FREE will be held in the North Coast Range approximately 1.5 hour north of San Francisco. Although adjacent Marin County has been the subject of a moss flora, and the Lake County Moss Flora by David Toren will soon be released, Sonoma County has not yet been treated floristically. The county has marine sandstone deposits, volcanics, serpentine, and riparian habitats, supporting a wide range of bryophytes. Participants will see coastal prairie, coast redwood forest, live oak woodland, serpentine chaparral, and chaparral scrub.
Beginners are very welcome to SO BE FREE, and this year we will have a special, expanded workshop session for beginners on Friday afternoon at the start of the event. That session will include slide shows and discussions on bryophyte biology and natural history, and be augmented by mosses and liverworts on display (and under the microscope). Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning we will have field trips to satisfy all participants from neophyte to expert!
See: http://ucjeps.berkeley.
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