Field of Science

May 2013 Desktop Calendar

I think that this moss covered rock looks a lot like a large turtle shell, or maybe a tortoise. It was about the size of the hood of a small car, so a lot larger than a turtle, but you get the idea.

This month's calendar was also taken at the top of the ridge in the Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve. I wanted to be sure that I got the calendar prepped and posted before the start of the month. The las couple of months ran a little late.  

1 - Single click on the image to open it up in a new window. (If you use the image directly from the blog post you will lose a lot of resolution.)

2 - Right-click (or ctrl-click) on the image, and chose the option that says, "Set as Desktop Background" or "Use as Desktop Picture". The wording may vary.

3 - If the image does not fit your desktop neatly, you may have to adjust the image (Mac: System Preferences - Desktop and Screen Saver - Desktop; Windows: Control Panel - Display - Desktop) and choose "Fill screen" as the display mode of your background image.

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