
August 2012 Desktop Calendar

The summer has been in full swing here with science meetings, summer research projects, and manuscripts almost submitted. I have also been gearing up for a large vacation to France. This is the first big one that I have had since I visited Malaysia and Indonesia in 2010. I think that a big vacation needs to be on my calendar every too years.

Speaking of calendars, I dropped the ball on the calendar for July, but here is the August calendar. Ready to go a day in advance! If your first thought was that this is not a moss then you would be correct. The mosses decided to take a August vacation too! Instead the underside of a fern frond from my trip to Malaysia has taken its place. I hope that you have a great vacation month. Take some time to enjoy nature and recharge. Cheers!

If you are interested in downloading this desktop calendar follow the instructions below. 

1 - Single click on the image to open it up in a new window. (If you use the image directly from the blog post you will loose a lot of resolution.)

2 - Right-click (or ctrl-click) on the image, and chose the option that says, "Set as Desktop Background" or "Use as Desktop Picture". The wording may vary.

3 - If the image does not fit your desktop neatly, you may have to adjust the image (Mac: System Preferences > Desktop > Screen Saver > Desktop; Windows: Control Panel > Display > Desktop) and choose "Fill screen" as the display mode of your background image.

Any issues or suggestions please let me know. These calendars are an experiment in-progress.

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