
Announcement for Bryology Field Courses

2008 Eagle Hill Bryology Seminars at the Humboldt Institute on the coast of Maine!

June 29 - July 5
Acrocarpous Mosses of the North Woods with Jon and Blanka Shaw
July 6 - 12
Bryophytes for Naturalists with Fred C. Olday
August 3 - 9
Ecology of Liverworts and Mosses with Nancy G. Slack and Paul G. Davison

Descriptions of seminars can be found at at the website of the Humboldt Field Research Institute and the Eagle Hill Foundation.

I have not attended these seminars before but I have known some other graduate students and amateur moss lovers who have attended them. They come highly recommended! I really would love to take one of these courses, however they always seem to conflict with my summer plans. In addition, I have meet most of the scientists who are leading the courses, except for Fred Olday. Those that I have met are exciting, knowledgeable, good scientists, and great teachers. So if you have some time this summer and are in the mood for some moss adventures you should consider these awesome field courses.

Below the fold is the detailed blurb about the natural history seminars that was sent out by the Eagle Hill Foundation.


In support of field biologists, modern field naturalists, and students of the natural history sciences, Eagle Hill offers specialty seminars and workshops at different ecological scales for those who are interested in understanding, addressing, and solving complex ecological questions. Seminars topics range from watershed level subjects, and subjects in classical ecology, to highly specialized seminars in advanced biology, taxonomy, and ecological restoration. Eagle Hill has long been recognized as offering hard-to-find seminars and workshops which provide important opportunities for training and meeting others who are likewise dedicated to the natural history sciences.

Eagle Hill field seminars are of special interest because they focus on the natural history of one of North America's most spectacular and pristine natural areas, the coast of eastern Maine from Acadia National Park to Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge and beyond. Most seminars combine field studies with follow-up lab studies and a review of the literature. Additional information is provided in lectures, slide presentations, and discussions. Seminars are primarily taught for people who already have a reasonable background in a seminar program or in related subjects, or who are keenly interested in learning about a new subject. Prior discussions of personal study objectives are welcome.

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