
Bryology Outdoors

Maine, USA

June 26 - July 2, 2016 Mosses, Liverworts and Sphagnum- Nancy Slack and Ralph Pope
July 31 - Aug 6, 2016Pleurocarpous Mosses of Maine and their HabitatsBill Buck and Bruce Allen


Upcoming Forays/Workshops of the Ohio Moss and Lichen Association

Ohio, USA

2016 Dates to Remember

The 2016 summer foray will be Saturday, July 16, in Carroll County.  The foray will be hosted by Barb Andreas and Rick Gardner.
The 2016 fall foray will be the weekend of October 1-2, in Miami County.  Jim Toppin and Janet Traub will host it.

The 40th A. Leroy Andrews Foray

Andrews Foray September 16 to 18, 2016
Quebec, Canada

Save the Date

Jean Gagnon of Quebec is organizing the 2016 Andrews Foray to be held at the Outdoor Center “Centre de plein air l’Estacade” along the Richelieu River on the North Shore of Lake Champlain. This is a save the date notice. Details and registration information will be forwarded when they have been completed. 


The Twenty-Second Annual 
Spring Outing Botanical Excursion Foray, Retreat, and Escape to the Environment (SO BE FREE)
California, USA

March 27-30, 2017 
in and around Sequoia National Park

Founded in 1996, SO BE FREE is a series of West Coast forays started by the Bryolab at UC Berkeley, but open to all botanists. The main focus is on bryophytes, but we also encourage experts on other groups to come along and smell the liverworts. We welcome specialists and generalists, professionals and amateurs, master bryologists and rank beginners. SO BE FREE is held each spring, somewhere in the Western US, associated with spring break at universities. Evening slide shows and informal talks are presented as well as keying sessions with microscopes. In addition to seeing interesting wild areas and learning new plants, important goals for SO BE FREE include keeping West Coast bryologists (and friends) in touch with each other and teaching beginners. To see pictures and information from past outings, visit the SO BE FREE website at:


Moss Walks at the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage
In the Great Smokie Mountains National Park
Tennessee, USA

April 11-15, 2017


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